

You’re always “Special” at Big Bend Auto Center!

Valvoline Engine Guaranteee program

The Valvoline Engine Guaranteee program is not accepting new registrations at this time. Existing users will continue to be covered provided they comply with all the terms and conditions of the limited warranty. All claims must be filed on or before July 1st, 2029.
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Free Brake Evaluation

We know. It's hard to belive, but it's true: this is a FREE offer. We'll test-drive your car for brake performance issues, and if necessary, remove wheels and perform a physical inspection, looking for excess rotor or disc wear, hydraulic leaks, and perform a caliper inspection. Like we always like to say, a safe customer is an alive customer, is a paying customer.  ;-)

Transmission Fluid Flush

$189.95, normally $209.95

Did you know that your transmission is the second most-expensive component in your car? High operating temperatures can lead to fluid breakdown and failures. There are a lot of mechanical working parts in a transmission, and almost all are affected by the transmission fluid. Out with the old and in with the new - and save while you're doing it!

2-Wheel Alignment

$89.95, normally $109.95

Here's a fact almost no one knows: mis-aligned tires can reduce tire life up to 70%! Tires aren't cheap, so spend a little to ensure wear is at a minimum, so your tires will last longer, and you'll drive safer. Includes a suspension check prior to alignment.

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